
Button, button, who's got the button? You do! Here are some button sets and individual buttons. With button sets you can save the entire set, open it up in Paint Shop Pro, zoom in, and cut-and-paste individual buttons as needed. Individual buttons you can just save one at a time. Click here if you need swiping instructions.

Button Set 1 (btttnset1.gif)

Button Set 2 (btttnset2.gif)

Button Set 3 (btttnset3.gif)

Individual Buttons

sound.gif video.gif

blakbtn blu1btn blu2btn

chrm1btn chrm2btn glassbtn

grn1btn grn2btn ital1btn

ital2btn mtl1btn mtl2btn

mtl3btn mtl4btn purplbtn

redbtn rsty1btn rsty2btn

tealbtn.gif wood1btn wood2btn

yellobtn bl1sqbtn bl2sqbtn

bl3sqbtn br1sqbtn br2sqbtn

gr1sqbtn gr2sqbtn gr3sqbtn

gy1sqbtn gy2sqbtnpn1sqbtn

pn2sqbtn pr1sqbtn pr2sqbtn

pr3sqbtn rd1sqbtn rd2sqbtn

yl1sqbtn yl2sqbtn
